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Literally Everyone On Earth Has The Same 'Star Wars Episode 9: Rise Of Skywalker' Theory

Yesterday, we got our first look at the last Star Wars movie for a good long while, the end of the Skywalker era, but not before putting the name in actual title of the movie for once.

The film is called Star Wars Episode 9: Rise of Skywalker, which has led to a flurry of speculation about what exactly that means. The immediate theories that first leapt to everyone’s mind are all, no doubt, wrong. They include:

  • Skywalker referring to Rey’s true parentage as this film looks to change the Rian Johnson “Rey’s parents are no one” reveal in Episode VIII.

  • Skywalker referring to Ben reclaiming the name and turning from the Dark Side.

  • Skywalker referring to Leia.

  • Skywalker referring to Luke going full force-ghost and showing up a lot to influence things.

All of these theories were encapsulated in a single tweet from Mark Hamill, which is the final nail in the coffin that should tell you that none of them or true, or he wouldn’t be egging people on with potential spoilers.

Once you move past the idea that anyone is a secret Skywalker or reclaiming the family name, a second theory forms. I thought of this on my own, until I went on the internet and saw that roughly a hundred million people had come up with the same idea.

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